The history of the "Camaroes", the history of the "Kamerun" !!!

I do not pretend to say that I master the history of Cameroon perfectly, but I know what I have learned, what I have read and what I have seen that, There have never been Anglophones Cameroonians and Francophones Cameroonians. There have always been only CAMEROON !!!

Why do people want us to believe that our brothers in the area who were under British tutelage are not Cameroonians? Besides, where does the word "Cameroon" come from? Is not from the German "Kamerun" see further from the Portuguese "Camaroes"? Is it not after the war of 1914-1918 that this country was split in two between the French and the British? Were not these two parties united before the arrival of the Germans? I'm wondering?

Through this article, I simply want to get us to realize what we are all being manipulated! Manipulated by people who are both with us and outside. People who think that to get Paul Biya out of power necessarily war in Cameroon. People who, far from really wanting the good of the people, use them to satisfy their desires for power.

I admit and do not dispute the fact that bad governance is the actual way our country is manage. I agree that the government has not always been able to respond satisfactorily to the concerns and demands of the people. I admit that it has very often used repression to silence voices that have often arisen to demand more justice and more equity in the management of the country's resources. But I approve of the fact that the leaders of 1961 were able to show wisdom to allow Cameroon to recover at least its surface of 1901. This time when we did not know French, neither English nor German.

The Bakweris, the Doualas, the Fans, the Foulbés, the Bassas, the Pigmés, the Bamilékés, the Hausas ... Among them, who were francophones and who were Anglophones? Who used civil law and who used the common law? Have these peoples disappeared? Did these tribes renounce their origins to accept those of the colonizers? Is there an anglophone culture or a francophone culture in these villages? Are their rites and traditions the same as those of the origins to which some wish to link them? I'm just asking questions. For in such circumstances no one can give lessons to anyone. No one can claim to have the solution alone. Only sincere exchanges with tolerance and love will lead us to reconciliation and allow us to continue to live in harmony in our country, which we all love.

We do not know how long this crisis will last. But what we want is just that, far from plunging into identity folds, we remember that the French and English language, like French and English culture and law, were imposed on us all, and that by drawing from our true origins and not those of colonization that we will manage to find a way that suits us to manage our country. This is what all peoples have done to be free. They relied on their own cultures, not on the colonizer to free themselves. So that the Douala, the Hausa, the Bakweris, the Fans, the Pigmés, the Foulbés, the Bamilékés and all the other peoples of the "Camaroes" or the "Kamerun", sit down to discuss their country and leaves it to the French and the English to discuss their cultures and their rights among themselves.

May God help and bless us!

Thanks for reading me.
